History of the bargening of a lemon against an orange. Once upon a time, there was a little Orange alone in a bag. This little orange was way too small to nourish the big family of 11 brothers and sisters lost all in the village of Valdemossa. As they were starving, time was coming to find a way to give something to eat to each of them. A nice lady from the village saw this starving family and offered a big magic lemon that could save the brothers and sisters from dying. She asked in return to get the orange in order to plant it in her garden in Valdemossa. She invited the family to come back again in few years when the Orange tree would have grown so as to the family can get oranges for the rest of their lives in order not to starve any longer.
History of the bargening of a lemon against an orange. Once upon a time, there was a little Orange alone in a bag. This little orange was way too small to nourish the big family of 11 brothers and sisters lost all in the village of Valdemossa. As they were starving, time was coming to find a way to give something to eat to each of them. A nice lady from the village saw this starving family and offered a big magic lemon that could save the brothers and sisters from dying. She asked in return to get the orange in order to plant it in her garden in Valdemossa. She invited the family to come back again in few years when the Orange tree would have grown so as to the family can get oranges for the rest of their lives in order not to starve any longer.